Admit Mac is probably fuller featured (but there may not be Mac CAC signing software anyway) but out to the price range I am willing to visit. I cannot sign anything, and some encrypted things I can't open, but most things work. Supports ActivClient, AKO, OWA, DKO, JKO, NKO, BOL, GKO, Marinenet, AF Portal, Pure Edge Viewer, ApproveIt, DCO, DTS, LPS, Disa Enterprise Email and etc. This allowed me to use my CAC to connect to sites etc that required a CAC card. Zoweetek DOD Military Smart Card Reader 10.99 Buy at Amazon Advanced Realtek Chipset PIV, EMS, ISO-7816 & EMV2 2000 Level 1, CE, FCC, VCCI and Microsoft WHQL certifications. I bought PKard which is the baby brother for Admit Mac (and loads cheaper).

With the newer CAC cards my Mac did not even seem to recognize that a card was inserted.

With the latest Snow Leopard and Lion I could access my old CAC card using Keychain Access. In Parallels you can set which OS gets access to the CAC reader but it's an either/or proposition. Mac access and PC access at the same time is not possible. Once this is working you can install your form reader and signature software but don't bother until it's installed and you can access it. Under Windows 7 I did not need to install a driver, but without the middleware I could not do anything. Some CAC card readers won't access the newer CAC cards, but an update may be available for you. If you have AKO access you can get what you need for free. Windows XP can't see the reader until you install the appropriate driver for your CAC card, and then you really can't do anything with it until you install appropriate middleware.